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1st annual Spring 2008 "Tail of the Dragon" meet - April 4, 5, 6

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  #421 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2008, 12:58 PM
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Default re: 1st annual Spring 2008 "Tail of the Dragon" MEET!

Originally Posted by irwin
ok so all this talk about free form then i miss my alarm and push the schedule way back? i got in at like 3am on friday, and you know what if the vendors dont wanna do the tunning in the evening when we arent driving, then so be it. im a tuner and i was looking forward to seeing anthony and some of the parts he is offering that i dont already have, but if this cant be done when everyone is hanging out then whats the point? this is a driving event, a chance to go out and see what your car can really do, or take a nice cruise through some scenic roads. this is not a sponsored event, nor is the lodge a store.

as for the schedule, if you remember the only real reason for the schedule was so that we could fit in everything we were trying to do in the limited time available, and not have to drive the dragon at night fall. as has been said numerous times before, if you dont want to participate dont, do what you please, but in the same respect i do believe the majority of the group will be out doing the scheduled stuff, and when you want to meet up you will know where we will be. thats the idea of the schedule, if you want to meet up for the pics but dont want to do the loop, you will know where the main group will be when we are done.

now as far as a fee, a $10 or $15 dollar fee doesnt seem all that crazy or expensive, bill books photographers runs back and forth to the hotel to meet and make sure everything is taken care of, im sure he has racked up a phonme bill due to all of this and what we are just supposed to have him pay for all of this but not reimburse him? all the talk about i make x amount of dollars and im a doctor or lawyer and all of that and people would ***** about 10 bucks? this amazes me, with 60 xf's that comes to $600 if he is making a profit off of that i would be amazed, and if there was a lil left over i wouldnt care if he stuck it in his pocket, aftyer all i would believe bill has spent more than 40 hours between setting everything up scheduling promoting, phone call after phone call, thats a weeks work, what do you make in a week?

Bill keep up your hard work and dont get discouraged, i had a great time last year, and im sure everyone will have a great time this year! the "schedule" didnt have us running around like chickens with our heads cut off before and im sure it wont this time, it was actually very well layed out and gave us all plenty of time for relaxing and and of course drinking! lol
Irwin, no one said that *you* pushed the schedule back. Yes, you were
late, but so were many others. I had no intent to make this personal,
so let's keep it that way. I said what I said because I felt it needed to be

From all that was said or done last year, this appeared to be a much
more informal event. Get together, drive the dragon and have a good
time. It has grown, and it will continue to grow ,if this event continues,
ever more rigorous in scheduling and activities. This is the nature of
the beast, once an event grows much beyond the semi-spontaneous.

Sure, no one is holding a gun to anyone's head, forcing them to attend
each activity, but when vendors start backing out because there is no
room in the schedule there might be a problem. I'm sure I am not alone
in saying that I will not be in attendance for the evening get togethers.
I can't afford to come up for a 3 day event, and spend the cash for a hotel
room for a couple of days. I, like others, will be driving up for the Sat.
meet at Fontana Dam. If you limit vendors to only the evenings, then we
day trippers won't be able to participate in those activities.

I was certainly planning to avail myself of their offerings. I, like another
who posted cannot afford to have my car down a week while I ship off
my ECU for a tune. It is my daily driver, and I depend on it. So, having
vendors at the meet, during the daylight hours, helps those of us, and everyone else, who have limited time.

Oh, and BTW, you will note, that I have been careful in each message to
state again and again that I understand what Bill has put into this. I,
personally, think he may have invested more time, money and effort than
was needed, but I've gotten the impression that he is really enjoying
the work and getting a great deal of personal satisfaction from it all. I
applaud and salute the perserverance and dedication this has taken, and
I appreciate what he has done.

But, I take nothing away from that by stating that there needs to be more
room for those folks who can help us have even more fun on the Dragon!
And, that we should not encumber them with a pant load of "expenses"
just for the privilege of showing up. Now, that does not preclude the
fact that to sell product in someone's parking lot, or on someone else's
property the vendor may have to pay a fee to that property owner. That's
a cost of using someone else's space. But I don't think there should be
a fee just for attending the event with the purpose of moving product.
At least, not until this becomes a commercial event (do you want the
legal regulation and fiduciary responsibilities that would go with that?)

That's my position, and I"m sticking to it. You may agree or disagree
with what I've said, but let's keep it impersonal.

  #422 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2008, 04:08 PM
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Default re: 1st annual Spring 2008 "Tail of the Dragon" MEET!

The Venders jump in thing at last min, and thats ok but as such, thing were all ready put place for this spring meet . looking ahead to fall meet maybe we can have time in place for venders to do there thing show off there great stuff ! I would still like for the venders to come and have fun with other 70 plus crossfire owners . Maybe down the line, win this become really big the venders may put in a little support. Maybe we can put and extra day in there for venders to do ther thing next fall just idea !
  #423 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2008, 04:56 PM
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Default re: 1st annual Spring 2008 "Tail of the Dragon" MEET!

ok, i was not trying to personally attack you, and i understand i wasn't the only late arrival, i was just the latest lol. its just this seems to be a reoccurring theme in this thread, with the fees and the "schedule". but as was stated previously this was already set up before any of the vendors mentioned anything about coming. none of them were interested until we were going to have around 50 of us all in one spot at one time. regardless of anything else, you can elect to not participate in any of the events and take that time to talk with the vendors or purchase parts and or have them installed. these are your decisions to make and these decisions are left up to you. bill did not start this event to bring in vendors, it was started to bring in drivers. on top of that this event began its planing at the fall event and i believe this thread was started somewhere around december or january, no interest was shown at those times while bill was planing by any of the vendors, once plans were set in place and the "schedule" of events was written, the vendors showed interest, and now 2 weeks before the event bill is supposed to rewrite this schedule for a select few? that to me is asking allot. maybe the vendors can have some input and a schedule can be written for the fall to include them more but i really dont believe we should all have "vendor time" written into the schedule of events. are the companies going to have presentations for us? are they going to bring modified vehicle for us to check out? not that ive heard of. our participation in talking to the vendors and seeing what they are about or getting work done should be elective, so that those that dont want to can still participate in the events they came for and the reason this event was started. i just dont see how you would fit this time in with the big loop... its a long drive, allot of fun, gorgeous, and the main reason most have signed on. to take away from that experience should be the choice of the people who participate, it should not be left up to anyone person. and that is my opinion, everyone has one, and thats why we have the freedom to do what we please regardless of a schedule.
  #424 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2008, 05:59 PM
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Thumbs up re: 1st annual Spring 2008 "Tail of the Dragon" MEET!

OK, I'm going to butt in here.

Please, No more talk on this Thread, about The Schedule( it's Set, 11 Days to go!), The Fees?(There Aren't Any!, & The Vendors/Tuners (I don't know a thing about them, for sure, I've had No Contact with any of them the last few weeks.)

There is a Members/Drivers' Meeting Scheduled for Early Sat Evening for Planning for the Next Meet, just like we had in the Fall. That is the Place for your input, opinions & questions & if you can't make it, a PM or email to me will be fine.

Now, let's All get together in 11/12 days & have a Ball in the Mountains in our Crossfires, with 50+ others running around just like Us!

Bill (SilverFox)
Founder/Organizer/Chief Cook & Bottlewasher!


Last edited by SilverFox; 03-26-2008 at 06:57 AM.
  #425 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2008, 08:42 PM
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Default re: 1st annual Spring 2008 "Tail of the Dragon" MEET!

I'd like to add something here based strictly on my observations from the last Dragons Tail GTG.
First, it was obvious to me (as the weekend progressed) that Bill had really done his home work in planning everything. It had to have taken lots of hours of his personal time and money (for fuel) to seek out the great roads he led us over. He also did a fantastic job of scheduling everything as well.
It was on the big circle tour, where an unforseen delay in the schedule popped up, (which wasn't his fault). Not everybody in the caravan of Crossfires wanted to drive at the same "Brisk" pace that Bill was setting. Because of this, we wound up driving the Famed Dragon's Tail itself too late for the photographers from Kill Boy to capture our group because they had packed up and went home since we were delayed. Fortunately, another group of photographers captured our fun.
I'd like to make a suggestion to all the people who attend the GTG in two weeks. Please practice proper "Performance driving" etiquette, and if you don't want to, or can't keep up with the fastest cars in your prosession, pull over and let the "hot shoes" pass. Everybody drives at their own comfort level, so there's no shame in letting the car behind you (who's flashing their lights at you) to pass. But because of the limited places there are on those mountain roads to pass safely, sometimes the car that is being passed needs to pull over.
I know all of you planning on attending are going to have a great time, and it's killing me I'm not going to be able to join ya. But we've made previous plans that can't be changed, so I'm planning on next Fall.
Be safe, but don't be afraid to push your Crossfires, that's what they're designed for.
  #426 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2008, 05:44 AM
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Default re: 1st annual Spring 2008 "Tail of the Dragon" MEET!

+fireamx makes good points, were looking to enjoy the trip, friends, weather, car and GTG. That said and not having attended a meet except the Woodward Dream Cruise which could be named the "Woodward Dream Crawl" can we attempt to place ourselves near cars that travel at a simular pace? Gary has far better skills than I* and will do our driving, but without him I'd want to stay out of the skilled/quicker driver's way.
*OK according to him he has driving skills while I drive by braile, which makes living in the city with curbs very handy
  #427 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2008, 06:39 AM
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Default re: 1st annual Spring 2008 "Tail of the Dragon" MEET!

I feel my skills should be able to pace the best drivers. I am not concerned about being passed up though if I am proven wrong.
I would consider myself in the faster group of drivers but with respect to the others who take it a little slower.
It's all about the fun of the drive and taking in the scenery. This is my first trip to the dragon.
I have driven many mountain roads in Colorado and the road to Hana in Maui ,Hawaii.
I love to drive on twisty roads and hills but Illinois doesn't have any of this.
Can't wait to get there on Thursday. Gary
  #428 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2008, 09:30 AM
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Default re: 1st annual Spring 2008 "Tail of the Dragon" MEET!


I'll be in the slower group.

I'am going to take in the scenery of the Great Smokey Mountains..........
  #429 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2008, 09:36 AM
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Default re: 1st annual Spring 2008 "Tail of the Dragon" MEET!

the funny thing is that the srt6 doesnt fair that much better than the regular crossfire on these roads!
  #430 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2008, 09:40 AM
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Default re: 1st annual Spring 2008 "Tail of the Dragon" MEET!

I just got back from Knoxville and I ran the Dragon on the 21st. The weather in Knoxville is around 60 degrees and the sun makes everything warm and bright. Probably not much different on the NC side.

What's fun is to stop the car on one of the gravel traps next to corners like Carosel and listen to the sound of high revving sportbikes echo off the canyon walls. Then motorcycles spit out from around the corner and shoot by, with the riders dragging their knees on each turn. Each corner in view is steeply cambered and it's surreal to watch the motorcycles flip from side to side, then disappear around the next bend.

Remember to wave to David Allison as you drive by his pickup truck parked on the gravel at one of the Dragon's many corners. He's the one taking photos for

All of you attending the Crossfire Tail of the Dragon event are sure to have a blast. Enjoy!!
  #431 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2008, 06:31 PM
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Thumbs up re: 1st annual Spring 2008 "Tail of the Dragon" MEET!

1st ANNUAL Spring CROSSFIRE 'Tail of the Dragon' MEET!

Fri/Sat/Sun - April 4, 5 & 6, 2008

If you made or make Reservations after 3/15/08:

Did you sign up for the Dragonslayer Card? It will give you the 25% off each night, but you need to have then sign you up over the phone before you get there, so it will apply to your First Visit.

Everyone else still making reservations please take Note : of this Dragonslayer Card of theirs for 25% Off Lodging & be sure to sign up on the phone when making the Reservation! (It is worth about $25/night or a 'Free Meal' in the Dining Room each night!)

Fontana Village Lodge & Resort - 1 (800)849-2258
(Special Lodge rates $74.25+ tax (with the 25% Dragonslayer Card discount), Cabins, & more.

Notice: Call Donna or Penny at the Front Desk & tell them you are with "the Crossfire Group" (we have 55+ Lodge Rooms Blocked for April & Oct/Nov of 2008, come & join the Friendly Crowd of 100+)

Last edited by SilverFox; 03-26-2008 at 04:39 PM.
  #432 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2008, 07:17 AM
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OK, All you Dragon Drivers, Get Packing (Very Light, especially if you have a Roadster),
We're Under 8 Days & Counting!

The Dragon Drivers' (23) States Map @ 3/26/08
(Including DC, & Canada & MA)

Google Directions from your Home to Fontana Dam (Village) & Maps: hl=en&q=Fontana+Village+Inc:+Reservations&fb=1&nea r=Fontana+Dam,+NC&cd=1&ie=UTF8&latlng=35439865,-83790985,1634835333872166974&ei=1v4xR_b1N46QiwGM7t 2VDQ
(Click-on & get Directions & Maps).

Last edited by SilverFox; 03-26-2008 at 04:41 PM.
  #433 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2008, 06:57 AM
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Thumbs up re: 1st annual Spring 2008 "Tail of the Dragon" MEET!

First LQQK at Next Week's Dragon Weather:
(It will change, it always does, that's why I got out of Meteorology! SF)

Apr 3

A Few Showers, Maybe 70°/42° 50% 7 Good

Apr 4

Partly Sunny 64°/40° 20% 9 Very Good

Last edited by SilverFox; 03-26-2008 at 08:08 AM.
  #434 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2008, 07:59 AM
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71) dakota-boy1 - Winter Haven, FL - '05 SSB SRT Roadster (Reserved~)
72) Eric - Fayetteville, NC - '05 Black SRT Coupe (Reserved~)
73) Rickey54 - Chatsworth, GA - Crossfire ? (Drive-in)

Latest Update on the Numbers:
(NC-8, TN-4, SC-9, GA-7, FL-4, AL-1, KY-4, MD-4, IL-2, MI-3, IN-2, OH-?, NJ-4 VA-1, PA-1, NY-?, MO-2, KS-1, TX-2, MA-1, DC-1, Canada-1)
63 XF's - Confirmed(43 Reserved~, 12 Drive-ins, & 8 Still on the Fence?)
01 XF's - ? (Probable/tentative)
09 XF's - Scratched (See you there in the Fall?)
73 Total (Including the Ladies Division)

Ladies Division:
(JaneBridges - Coordinator)
09 XF's - Confirmed (IN-1, KY-3, MD-1, NJ-1, FL-1, GA-1, MI-1)
00 XF's - Tentative
09 Total

Last edited by SilverFox; 03-26-2008 at 07:30 PM.
  #435 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2008, 04:19 PM
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Default re: 1st annual Spring 2008 "Tail of the Dragon" MEET!

To all the Ladies going to the Tail of the Dragon meet (this includes the wives/partners):

While all the men are doing their thing Saturday evening, please join me and a couple of my good friends for some card making. I've designed 3 cards and one other project that we'll make between 8-10 PM on Saturday evening. You'll find the details when you sign in on Friday. I'll have enough supplies for the first 30 ladies who sign up. Well see you then.

Jane Bridges
  #436 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2008, 06:00 PM
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Default re: 1st annual Spring 2008 "Tail of the Dragon" MEET!

Bill can't wait have ridden my motorcycle on the Dragon now will have a chance to take my car.
  #437 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2008, 06:14 PM
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Default re: 1st annual Spring 2008 "Tail of the Dragon" MEET!

Originally Posted by Rickey54
Bill can't wait have ridden my motorcycle on the Dragon now will have a chance to take my car.
Welcome, you're # 73!
Where are you coming from?
What is your XF: Base, Ltd, SRT6, Year, Color, Coupe/Roadster?
Have you made reservations?
Have you read the 1st & 2nd Post on Page 1?
See you there!
Bill (SF)
  #438 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2008, 07:02 AM
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Default re: 1st annual Spring 2008 "Tail of the Dragon" MEET!

First LQQK at Next Week's Dragon Saturday Day Weather:
(It will change, it always does, that's why I got out of Meteorology! SF)

Apr 5

AM Some Clouds / PM Mostly Sunny

High 65°
Low 39°

Precipitation 10% (Not Likely)

A 9 (Out of 10) Very Good
  #439 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2008, 08:05 AM
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Default re: 1st annual Spring 2008 "Tail of the Dragon" MEET!

Danger!! "XFi Land" - Over this Way!
(See Below!)
(Also Note Porsche Pulloff ! )



Last edited by SilverFox; 03-27-2008 at 08:13 AM.
  #440 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2008, 05:17 PM
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Default re: 1st annual Spring 2008 "Tail of the Dragon" MEET!

Originally Posted by SilverFox
First LQQK at Next Week's Dragon Saturday Day Weather:
(It will change, it always does, that's why I got out of Meteorology! SF)

Apr 5

AM Some Clouds / PM Mostly Sunny

High 65°
Low 39°

Precipitation 10% (Not Likely)

A 9 (Out of 10) Very Good
I saw the 10 day forecast today and on thursday 4/3/08 their calling for 80 degrees. Hope I get there early enough to enjoy the x-tra warm weather.

Quick Reply: 1st annual Spring 2008 "Tail of the Dragon" meet - April 4, 5, 6

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